That Moment When You Notice The Light Ring Reflected In Casey Neistat’s Sunglasses

Sorry Casey, but just a few seconds into your latest video something caught my eye.

And it’s hilarious!

Looking at the reflection in Casey’s sunglasses, it looks like he has light ring around his camera lens.  It’s not turned on, but because you can see it in both lenses of his glasses it gives him a hilarious Sesame-Street-Googly-Eyes look today!

Once you notice the floating googly eyes reflecting in his sunglasses it becomes all you can focus on!

As always, we love Casey Neistat’s vlog and films and his willingness to sometimes stand on a soapbox, not to tell us what to think, but equally that we must think.  About what we see, watch, do, say and how we treat each other.

Casey’s a great ambassador for the humanity that resides in all of us.