Running Socks – Are Smart Socks the Future of Running?

Sensoria’s second generation smart fitness socks are designed to help you track your running stats.  They keep track of all the basics – step count, speed, calories, altitude and distance.  But they go further, tracking cadence and foot landing technique as you walk or run.

Sensoria’s Fitness Socks and Anklet (Source: Amazon)

The socks have three textile pressure sensors, which measure the pressure placed on the foot during running.  The new Sensoria Core module, is smaller and lighter than the original.  They are made from high quality, running-friendly fabric.  They come with one electronic anklet that magnetically connects to the cuff of the sock.  The textile sensors in Sensoria’s smart socks capture more detailed running data than most fitness bands. They are well-cushioned, antibacterial and 100% machine-washable.

The mobile app, Sensoria Run, monitors and guides you through with real-time audio cues.  Depending on your goals and fitness level you can choose your activity and the trackable metrics that are relevant to your program. You can choose when you want alerts from the Sensoria Virtual Coach.  You can choose to receive feedback only when your cadence is off, or when you are landing improperly.  The virtual coach cheers you on to keep you motivated and gives reminders when your form is off.  The Sensoria Socks are designed for walkers, joggers or runners.

Sensoria aims to help you identify injury-prone running styles (heel striking, ball striking, etc).  It then uses the mobile app to coach the runner in real-time, via audio cues. This monitoring helps to prevent you from relapsing into bad running form.

Sensoria’s smart socks are the newest thing to hit the wearable market.  Designed to motivate user’s and help them achieve their fitness goals safely, these socks, just may be the future of running technology.


(Looking for a smart shoe for running?  Check out our favourite pick here)