Wearable for Diabetics – Let’s You Test Glucose Levels Painlessly

K’Watch Glucose is designed for diabetics.  Diabetes is a growing health concern, with 1 in 11 people worldwide suffering from the disease.  It’s a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and lower limb amputation.  Diabetes results in 1.5 million deaths each year.  Only 80% of people requiring glucose monitoring test the recommended 4-10 times a day.  Pain, time constraints and a lack of understanding are frequent reasons given for improper glucose testing.  K’Watch Glucose is designed to make testing easier, more convenient and pain free.

K’Watch Glucose is the first wearable that measures glucose levels quickly and painlessly without the need for blood-based tests.  In fact, it only takes a few seconds for diabetics to self-monitor a painless and accurate glucose test.  A simple press gesture on the watch will display the glucose level and there is no need to adjust or set the watch beforehand.

K’Watch Glucose (Source: PKvitality)

K’Watch Glucose uses a biosensor (K’apsul), which can detect glucose levels through the skin without requiring a blood sample.  It can take unlimited measurements in a 30 day period.  Results can be displayed on the watch screen or through the K’Watch app.  After 30 days a replacement K’apsul is needed.

K’Watch is meant to be worn all day, every day, so that glucose monitoring can be part of your regular day whether you are at work, the gym, playing sports or just hanging out. Like other fitness trackers, K’Watch can also track steps, distance traveled and calories burned.  It can be worn as a watch, arm band or stand alone device.

The watch app can be used with iOS or Android.  It shows data over time and can easily be shared with friends, family or professionals.  Reminders can also be sent to users to remind them to check their glucose levels – giving peace of mind to both the wearer and their family.

Pending final medical certification, K’Watch is hoping to be introduced to the market early in 2018.  The medical certification is a lengthy and costly process and crowdfunding is currently underway.  If you are interested in more information about K’Watch check out www.pkvitality.com.